New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Visit the Coffin Fittings Works on Heritage Open Days!

Posted September 7th, 2011 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

Book your tour of the Coffin Fittings Works on Friday 9th or Saturday 10th September by phoning 0121 303 2664 or sending an email to There are still some places left and only one day remaining to book. Come and join us ...

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Stop the Clocks returns to the Coffin Fittings Works

Posted September 5th, 2011 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 1 Comment

Stop the Clocks is returning to Newman Brothers Coffin Fittings Factory from the 28th September- 1st October 2011 after a sell-out run in June 2011.The first performance piece to take place in the factory, which was closed in 1999, Stop the Clocks ...

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Love heritage? Come and join us!

Posted August 8th, 2011 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 1 Comment

Do you care about Birmingham’s heritage? You could be just the person we need. If you have skills and experience in industry or business, you can help us. We need volunteer trustee directors who are really enthusiastic about saving significant historic buildings from ...

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Friends of Key Hill and Warstone Lane Cemeteries

Posted July 9th, 2011 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 3 Comments

The Friends of Key Hill and Warstone Lane Cemeteries was established in 2004 under the leadership of Pauline Roberts together with a small group of people who were concerned at the visible deterioration of the cemeteries and alarmed at the potential loss ...

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Coffin Fittings Works Celebrate Life

Posted June 9th, 2011 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

Time moves on at the Coffin Fittings Works - Stop the Clocks! As the products from the Coffin Fittings Works have been used in the celebration of lives for over 100 years, so the cast of Tin Box Company celebrate a particular life ...

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Exciting news from Bells Farm, Druids Heath, Birmingham

Posted March 25th, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 102 Comments

Bells Farm in 1969 - photo by Phyllis Nicklin from the Birmingham University Archive Dave Thomas, one of our volunteers has sent us this update which I thought we would share with you: I’m really interested in old buildings and the work that Birmingham ...

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Some of our fabulous volunteers – Rosie and Jennifer

Posted May 21st, 2009 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 1 Comment

Like lots of other organisations, the Birmingham Conservation Trust wouldn’t exist or be able to function  without the time, enthusiasm and energy of our fabulous volunteers. So we thought we’d share a little bit  about who some of them are and what ...

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Growing numbers of you volunteer for heritage in the West Midlands

Posted October 30th, 2008 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 2 Comments

Volunteers, staff and contractors worked together on the huge and detailed job of cataloguing the contents of Newman Bros Every year Engish Heritage publishes a regional and national survey of the state of our heritage and today Heritage Counts 2008 (link to a ...

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Could you volunteer for Newman Brothers?

Posted April 23rd, 2007 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 1 Comment

Work will soon begin on cataloguing and storing the contents of Newman Brothers, a critical part of recording the story of the building and the business and preparing for building work. Hundreds of you have already had a chance to visit the building ...

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