New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Discovering, Recording and Conserving: 20th Century Heritage in the West Midlands

Posted March 20th, 2013 by Suzanne Carter with No Comments

APT logoWest Midlands Historic Buildings Trust – annual seminar 2013

Discovering, Recording and Conserving: 20th Century Heritage in the West Midlands

Dudley Zoo, 18th April 2013

Over the last 20 years there has been increased interest in conserving the heritage of the 20th century.  However the conservation of 20th century buildings poses new challenges for those responsible for their management and for conservation practitioners.  This seminar invites attendees to consider these challenges with particular emphasis on the unique and abundant 20th century heritage of the West Midlands.  Who is this day for? – All with an interest in the future of 20th century buildings and structures including building conservation trusts, local authorities, architects, heritage and tourism organisations, community and voluntary sector leaders, and others involved in potential development projects.

To download programme and booking form  click here

Please contact Elizabeth Thomson on 077714 58119 or for further details, or send the booking form to Elizabeth Thomson, 100 Ravenhurst Road, Harborne, West Midlands, B17 9DP

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