New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Gutted – Moseley Road Tram Depot Offices

Posted March 13th, 2007 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments


This video is well worth a few minutes of your time. In it Cllr Martin Mullaney (a fomer trustee of the Birmingham Conservation Trust) takes us on a tour of the Grade II Moseley Road Tram depot offices – now empty and gutted. He (and Keith Marsden who runs the also listed Epic Skatepark behind the office buildings) encounter the owner of the building and challenge him on why it is such poor condition.

As Martin puts it on his own blog:

This video is quite controversial… The owner of this property has since sent me a solicitors letter demanding that all copies of this video are destroyed by the 7th March otherwise they will take me to court. They have not clarified on what grounds they would do this.

You can comment on the film itself through this link or you can of course add your thoughts to our comment section on this blog entry.

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