A Cycle Conundrum

Can you help? We’ve had a enquiry come through about Birmingham’s industrial past.
The gentleman is trying to assemble information on the Tildesley [Cycles] Limited company.
He has been unable to find much factual information on the Internet apart from but from a Tildesley 1954 Catalogue which is included on the Veteran Cycle Club‘s online archive.
The only information that he has confirmed is that the correct name of the company is : Tildesley [Cycles] Limited and they were located at Planet Works in Steward Street, Birmingham 18. Later Post Code B187AE.
He’s unsure when the company was formed. It has been suggested that it might have been immediately prior to WW2, but he suspects that it was during the late 1940′, possibly the early 1950’s.
There also doesn’t appear to be any indication of when the company ceased trading.
Do you know anything about the firm? Did you work for them? If you could help us provide the gentleman with any information about this company then please use the comments below or drop us a line on vicki@birminghamconservationtrust.org
Tildsley cycles were built at planet works steward street Ladywood , the factory burned down in May 1958 . Fireman G Jones fell through the roof , injuring himself .Tildsley employed 23 people and moved into the factory in 1923 building hand made cycles .