Friday Photo- Deakin and Francis Building, the home of James Watt!
Nestled away in the Jewellery Quarter is the former home of the steam engine inventor and co-father of the Industrial Revolution, James Watt, who lived here between 1777-1790. Watt’s home is located in Regent Place, tucked away from the main streets, and you wouldn’t really know it was here unless you accidentally stumbled upon it. Today the building is home to Deakin and Francis company, who also hold the claim to fame of being the oldest surviving jewellery manufacturers in England, having been established since 1786. The blue plaque on the brick work reads ‘Engineer, Inventor, and Industrial Pioneer, lived here 1777, 1790’. I was once told by a lecturer at university that you miss so much if you don’t look up. He was a historical geographer so it was his job to look up at buildings, but he has an excellent point and that’s advice I live by to this day.
I started here on 13th July 1964 as a junior left school on 10th July started on the Monday age 15 My boss Mr Robinson only worked part-time as he was due to retire then I had to work in the post room in basement very spooky and dark our postmaster was just like script from Xmas Carol it was very dark and smelly Oldham lights on the wall
I did not know that! Well spotted.