New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Friday Photo- The George and Dragon Pub

Posted March 4th, 2016 by Anne-Marie Hayes with 3 Comments

George2Nestled away on Albion Street in the Jewellery Quarter,  you might miss this little, unassuming building. I visited The George and Dragon Pub just two weeks ago for the first time, and what intrigued me, other than the building itself, was its literary connection to one of my favourite Birmingham-born authors, none other than Kathleen Dayus. Kathleen often frequented the pub when she lived in the area and the building became a setting in some of her popular books, which I highly recommend if you’ve never read Dayus’ work. Dating back over 150 years, the Grade II-listed building is now set to be a restaurant with flats, and will take on a new history, and may well be the setting for further narratives, inspiring another generation.

3 Responses to “Friday Photo- The George and Dragon Pub”

  1. Jill sansum December 15, 2017

    My friend Sue Jones from schooldays at hodge hill girls lived there, her parents ran the pub and I used to love visiting her there. I wander what happened to her, she had the most beautiful red hair


  2. Keith Bracey March 7, 2016

    The old George and Dragon pub has been acquired by the owners of the Pickled Piglet pub and restaurant in Gas Street and will open soon as the second of their Gastro-Pub style venues and will be known as The Pie and Piglet…..I was intrigued to hear of the brilliant #Birmingham author Kathleen Dayus who lived locally in The Jewellery Quarter and wrote about the lives of ordinary Brummagem folk and their daily struggles and hopes and fears when living in the back-to-backs of Hockley and Brookvale around Icknield Street and Camden Street. #BrumIsBrill #BrumHour #BrumFaves #BirminghamMadeMe #MadeinBirmingham #MadeintheMidlands


    • Anne-Marie Hayes March 13, 2016

      Thanks for the info, Keith. Hopefully the pub’s new legacy will be just as interesting. Kathleen Dayus is one of my favourite local authors and I was also really surprised to learn of the link. When the pub reopens, I’ll definitely make a visit there.


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