New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Friday Photo- The Woodman Pub

Posted September 18th, 2015 by Anne-Marie Hayes with 4 Comments

The Woodman

The Woodman Pub is one of my favourite pubs in Birmingham because its history is so palpable, and it’s not too far from where I work! Walking into the red-brick building, you are immediately greeted with a sense of past, a sense of history, with the famous Curzon Street Station acting as a beautiful backdrop to its red-terracotta facade.

The Woodman was built in 1897 for Ansell’s Brewery, designed by James and Lister Lea. It was a corner pub with attached terraced housing running along Duddeston Row and New Canal Street, which has sadly since been demolished. In fact, many pubs were built on corners because they were often the showcase site for new properties, so prospective buyers could see what the rest of the homes would look like. Importantly, they also acted as a watering-hole for the workers constructing the new homes, a place where they could relax during lunchtime. And today, The Woodman still acts a watering-hole for the many people who work in the local area. If you haven’t been, it’s well worth a visit and is situated right next to the Rugby World Cup Fan Zone in Eastside Park, so you can kill two birds with one stone.

4 Responses to “Friday Photo- The Woodman Pub”

  1. HattieJT December 2, 2019

    If this is the same Woodman Inn that used to be on Duddleston Row then my Great Grandparents were the landlords there in 1911. Thanks for the post – if I ever get to Birmingham I will have a drink there!


  2. Elaine March 10, 2018

    Have been looking at my ancestory and found out my great grandmother was a servant here in 1901 when she was 14


  3. Donna September 18, 2015

    I grew up within spitting distance of Curzon Street and I can remember the walk up to town very well. Some of the buildings I really miss, but now that the area has been opened up it’s possible to really appreciate the buildings that remain. Really interesting item, had no idea about pubs being built on corners, thanks for sharing!


    • Anne-Marie Hayes September 20, 2015

      Hi Donna. Thanks for your comment! There are some real hidden gems in this part of the city and The Woodman is one of my favourites. Also, I have Sarah to thank about the info on pubs being built on corners. I’ll send you some more info about it on Twitter too. Very interesting!


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