New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

A warm welcome to our newest Trustee

Posted December 15th, 2013 by Suzanne Carter with No Comments
helen shuteWe are delighted to welcome Helen Shute to our Board of Trustees. Helen started last month and brings with her a wealth of expertise in branding, marketing and membership (amongst other things, she is full of good advice!) so we are really delighted to have her on board. I asked Helen to tell us something about herself by way of an introduction:

1. What do you do when you are not being a Trustee for BCT? What is your line of work?

I’m part of the Leadership Team for National Trust in the Midlands.  I look after our expert consultants who support our places across all aspects of our visitor and volunteer offer.  I’m also Director of Change Direction Consulting, a boutique strategy consultancy.  In my spare time I have a passion for travel and exploring new places, especially their heritage.

2. What main areas of BCT’s work are you looking forward to supporting the most and what skills are you bringing to support the Trust’s work?

I’m particularly looking forward to bringing my commercial skills to BCT to help with the new phase in our development as we open and manage our own site.  These skills cover volunteering, visitor experience, brand and marketing, retail, catering and membership among others.

3. What are your favourite bits of Birmingham’s heritage and why?

Anywhere that gives us a glimpse of what life was like for ordinary folk living and working in Birmingham as, in one of my favourite lines from “It’s a Wonderful Life” “they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community”  The Back to Backs are high on my list with the Coffin Works fast taking shape as another.


Welcome to the team!

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