New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

The Friday Photo – Sellotape

Posted May 31st, 2013 by Tracey Thorne with 2 Comments


This weeks the Friday photo is a bit different – when we think heritage probably don’t think Sellotape?  I saw this great old sellotape tin when visiting J W Evans a few weeks ago and really loved it.

Interesting little timeline about the history of Sellotape dating back to 1667 on their website click here.

2 Responses to “The Friday Photo – Sellotape”

  1. Johan July 18, 2013


    Do you know how old this is?


    • Suzanne Carter July 18, 2013

      Hi Johan. I don’t, but I can make some enquires from J W Evans staff. will be back in touch. Suzanne


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