New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

J. W. Evans Silver Factory in Pictures

Posted April 21st, 2013 by Tracey Thorne with 5 Comments

Last Saturday, Suzanne Carter from BCT arranged a visit for 10 of us to go along and have a tour of J. W. Evans Silver Factory in the Jewellery Quarter. English Heritage in 2008 took over the buildings and have helped preserve this amazing factory which dates back to 1881.  Walking round it is just amazing the amount of stuff that is still there – it gives a real sense that you have just stepped back in time.

Here are some photographs from my walk around

J W Evans Silver Factory

J W Evans

J W Evans

J W Evans Silver Factory


J W Evans Silver Factory

J W Evans Silver Factory


J W Evans Silver Factory


J W Evans Silver Factory

© Tracey Thorne

5 Responses to “J. W. Evans Silver Factory in Pictures”

  1. Judith Thompson August 10, 2015

    Great pictures. Went for a visit last month and couldn’t believe it when I saw a photograph of my Great Aunt Louisa Fawdry (Jenkin Evans’ wife). I am writing up the Fawdry family history and actually have a photo of myself as a small child with her at their home in Swanshurst Lane. Was unaware of the success of his silver business so a real bonus that day. Thanks again


    • Suzanne Carter August 10, 2015

      Hi Judith. What an exciting visit! All the best with your family tree research.
      Best, Suzanne


  2. A Glimpse into the Past – J.W.Evans Silver Factory « Birmingham Conservation Trust May 6, 2013

    […] Tracey Thorne on J. W. Evans Silver Factory in Pictures […]


  3. Simon Buteux April 21, 2013

    Wonderful photos from a great morning. At JW Evans English Heritage left everything in and did the repair work around it. At the Coffin Works we have taken everything out (carefully recorded) and will put it back. Hope we can still capture that atmoshphere – I think so.


    • Tracey Thorne April 25, 2013

      Thanks Simon, I hope it looks just as good


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