The Friday Photo -Green Man
The Friday Photo- Green Man by Clare Overton Lewis
How many of you have looked at our fine architecture: our churches, cathedrals, pubs, shops, hotels and have spotted a carved face, covered in leaves and other foliage staring back at you? You could be looking at a Green Man. Green Men were seen in Roman architecture but also have symbolic meanings in Paganism and Christianity, however it is believed that most of the time they are just used for decoration with no underlying significance. Birmingham city centre is riddled with these wonderful architectural ornaments. The photograph is of a fantastic example that can be found on Newhall Street. So, the next time you’re wandering around the city centre, see how many you can spot!
I love the fact that he has green on his face through age. I really like the one at the Custard Factory – well I’m presuming it is still there?
Yes, it’s still there and one of my favourites. It’s also our most modern green man.