New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

The Friday Photo

Posted November 23rd, 2012 by Tracey Thorne with 1 Comment

Suzanne Carter at Birmingham Conservation Trust has come up with a great idea to post a heritage photo each week. Sounds like a great idea; suggestions welcome? Tell me what you would like to see and we will go out and take a photo of it like we did with the Victorian Urinals in Balsall Heath?

This week’s Friday photo is of a  window in the Jewellery Quarter which was part of the old Pickering & Mayell  LTD Reliance Works. The buildings dates back to the 1820’s and was home to famous Silversmiths George Unite and Nathaniel Smith.

Friday Photo


One Response to “The Friday Photo”

  1. Jenni Waugh November 26, 2012

    Pickering & Mayall’s warehouse is one of my favourite sights in the JQ and always makes me smile when I see it. I imagine it full of boxes of goodies, slightly dusty but all useful.

    I love walking around JQ and catching sight of other vanished businesses, represented by cast iron post-boxes, ghostly wall paintings or faded door shingles.


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