New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

Shroud-sewer, researcher, heritage blogger! A huge variety of NEW volunteering roles at the Coffin Fitting Works and Birmingham Conservation Trust – get involved!!

Posted July 11th, 2012 by Suzanne Carter with 1 Comment

Last week we invited people to apply to be volunteer Trustees for us (oh, go on then… we’ll give it another plug; deadline 18th July!)


We know that being a Trustee is not for everyone so we are delighted to tell you about other volunteer roles that exist or that we are developing to help us deliver our public programmes at Newman Brothers Coffin Fitting Works in the Jewellery Quarter and to support the work of the Trust.


To join our lovely bunch of volunteers we are looking for:


  • A researcher (on locations of multi-faith burial sites across Birmingham and the West Midlands)
  • Archive Researchers (to extract social history from Newman Brothers archive)
  • Bereavement Councillor (to train staff and volunteers in bereavement issues)
  • Factory machinery maintenance (would suit someone with an engineering background)
  • Learning Officers (would suit someone who has delivered schools work, or wants to do so in the future)
  • Social Events Coordinator
  • Event Assistants at Coffin Fitting Works
  • Tour Guides at Coffin Fitting Works
  • BCT heritage bloggers (social networks – interest in historic building and heritage in Birmingham essential!)
  • BCT Ambassadors (to give talks and presentations about the work of the Trust and the Coffin Fitting Works)
  • Fundraisers (individuals doing sponsored events to raise money for BCT)
  • Sewers (to sew replica shrouds for educational resources)
  • Caretakers/maintenance at Coffin Fitting Works (we have a leaky roof and lots of buckets to empty – we need help to manage this now and during the restoration!)
  • BCT Monthly Newsletter Coordinator
  • A researcher (on multi-faith burial customs and practices)


We are still working on the details for each role, and some roles require a bigger time commitment than others, but if you are interested in finding out about any of them then please do get in touch.  We are having an informal induction at the end of the month.

We are a small charity with an impressive track record and one big Coffin Works-shaped restoration project underway. Exciting times! Volunteers are more important to us then ever – fancy being one of them?

Email Elizabeth Perkins on or call 0121 3032664 for an informal chat.

One Response to “Shroud-sewer, researcher, heritage blogger! A huge variety of NEW volunteering roles at the Coffin Fitting Works and Birmingham Conservation Trust – get involved!!”

  1. Introducing some of our volunteers! « Birmingham Conservation Trust July 30, 2012

    […] but also what training, opportunities and new experiences we can offer to our volunteers. See blog post for the volunteering roles we currently are offering. Over the next couple of weeks, all the role […]


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