Friends of Key Hill and Warstone Lane Cemeteries
The Friends of Key Hill and Warstone Lane Cemeteries was established in 2004 under the leadership of Pauline Roberts together with a small group of people who were concerned at the visible deterioration of the cemeteries and alarmed at the potential loss of an important slice of Birmingham’s heritage.
The Friends’ main objective is to raise money for the refurbishment of the cemeteries and lobbying for better management of the sites. Since 2004 the Friends group have made great progress, with over 100 headstones now restored and with the recent grant received this year from Service Birmingham, the group have commissioned for 3 large memorials in Key Hill to be restored, with a further large obelisk in Warstone Lane to follow later in the year (which will involve putting a 10ft obelisk back on top of an existing 7ft base……).
Key Hill Cemetery will host a floral bed as part of the Jewellery Quarter Flower Trail and Brum in Bloom. Last month the Friends group along with volunteers have been working extremely hard on this project and the results can be seen on the groups Facebook group. Take a look here, their page has before and after photographs of the restoration of headstones, the hard work undertaken clearing the cemeteries, the new floral bed and much more!

Image courtesy of FKWC
Constance Naden, one of Birmingham’s most illustrious daughters, poet, philosopher, scientist, artist, is worthy of greater recognition today than is actually the case. As a great-nephew of Constance Naden I and other Trustees of The Constance Naden Trust are appealing for funds to restore the shamefully damaged and neglected grave of Constance Naden, grave no. 460-P in Key Hill Cemetery. Please go to :
We also have a Facebook page:
On the website you can see the dreadful state of the grave. Please give this appeal the widest possible coverage. Thank you.
Dear Julian,
Many thanks for your work in trying to preserve the memory and memorial of Constance. I’m ashamed to say that I was also one of those who had not heard of her before but she certainly sounds like an inspiring woman.
Planning application 2017/05886/PA , to Birmingham City Council, Mr Tyre depot at 33 Pitsford Street. Application by a developer to build nearly 500 flats and townhouses, shops and a hotel overlooking Warstone Lane and Key Hill cemeteries. This affects the setting of the cemeteries, other Grade II listed buildings. Historic England has written in opposition. Hope you would do the same
Closing date for comments is 24 Aaugust