Blue Plaque unveiled for William Bloye
William Bloye born in 1890 was a Birmingham sculpture who trained and later taught at the Birmingham School of Art. His plaque joins more than 75 other blue plaques around the city which are awarded by the Birmingham Civic Society to commemorate a link between a location and famous person. The recipients of Blue Plaques have to have been dead for at least 20 years to be eligible.
William Bloye’s blue plaque is located at the site of the sculptor’s former studio where City College Birmingham’s Golden Hillock Campus now stands to mark 120 years since his birth. Bloye was Birmingham’s unofficial civic sculptor, working on virtually all public commissions including libraries, hospitals and the university. Some examples of his work below:
There is a suggestion that not all the works that are attributed to Mr Bloye are his. Including the Boars Head!
My great uncle Tom Wright worked for him and I do know of at least 2 works that were done by Tom and not Mr Bloye.
Does anyone out there remember Tom, if so I would be very pleased to hear from them.
Arthur Thynne
Are there any photos of Mr Bloye? I would love to see one, John Crump
Thank you for this. It is really inspiring to hear about these direct links with Birmingham’s heritage.
Worked for Mr Bloye 3 yrs late 40s early 50s Fine chap,Very fair to work for, Well earned this award
I was interested to see this report. I am William Bloye’s great niece and have very few memories of him. My mother (aged 90, still in B’ham) has many more including the fact that her mother (his sister) worked for him at Golden Hillock Rd. we would be very pleased to be in touch with anyone with memories of him. if you would like to contact me please use the email address on our business website
I worked for Mr Bloye in the 1950s Would love to hear from you. John Crump Now in Parker. Co 80134 USA
Penny Roberts, I worked for Mr Bloye in the the studio on Golden Hillock Rd Would you please ask his sister if she remembers me? I would like to have a photo of My Bloye,Many thanks, John Crump NOW77yrs in Parker.Co USA
There’s a good Wikipedia article on Bloye (disclosure: I’m a contributor to it).