New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

The Heartlands Ring – Strengthening Birmingham’s Communities and Heritage

Posted May 28th, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

Heartlands Ring Flyer

The canal network is a legacy of Britain’s past and provides a unique insight into our industrial and social history. The built environment of the waterways which have evolved over hundred of years represents a unique working heritage which is part of our national heritage, as well as in integral part of our regional cultural heritage and local distinctiveness. The Government’s vision for our historic heritage is not just to protect the assets but to use them to help deliver a wide range of social and economic benefits through viable and sympathetic new use.

The Heart of Birmingham tPCT (HOBtPCT) and Birmingham City Council are working jointly to implement the PCT’s modernisation strategy ‘Towards 2010’.  The modernisation strategy places emphasis on reducing health inequalities and encouraging greater responsibility for self-care and well-being.  Enterprising Communities is working with HOBtPCT in delivering a number of community health projects, one of which is to increase the number of people accessing the Heartlands Ring canal network as a place for recreation and leisure, while at the same time will improve the quality of heritage conservation of the canal network.

 Enterprising Communities are inviting proposals for funding for activity projects that fit into the following categories: access, arts, education, community safety, environment, community cohesion and health that would assist local communities to claim ownership of the Heartlands Ring canal network as an urban linear park to promote better health and well-being. Enterprising Communities will provide funding in 3 categories;
               1)  up to £499
               2)  £500 – 1000
               3)  Awards of up to £2000 may be considered for projects that can demonstrate  long term benefit.

 Applicants should complete an Heartlands Ring small grants Proposal Form

 Proposal forms must be received by the Enterprising Communities Team by 12.00 noon on Wednesday 9th June.  Electronic copies are acceptable but must be followed by a postal hard copy by Friday 11th June.


Post: Enterprising Communities Regeneration Team, Room 6, Southside Business Centre, 249 Ladypool Road, Sparkbrook, B12 8LF

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