New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

University of Birmingham Blue Plaque Trail

Posted April 28th, 2010 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with No Comments

The University of Birmingham want to celebrate their influential achievements: scientific discoveries, artistic creations and significant inventions throughout the history of the university.

To do this, they are implementing a Blue Plaque Trail throughout campus to highlight special achievements of notable individuals, along with an associated map and leaflet containing more information. They say:

The University’s Blue Plaque scheme is a way of celebrating those who have helped to shape our heritage as a research university. The blue plaques will be markers which we hope may inspire all who pass by.


Nominations for Blue Plaques are encouraged:

The only real criteria for nominating someone for a Blue Plaque are that their achievements have to have been especially significant, and they have to have happened here. We will consider historical and modern achievements from all disciplines.

How to nominate

To nominate a person to be considered for a plaque on campus, please send the name of the person, their profession or specialism, and their significant achievement to Clare Mullett, Deputy University Curator, at  They did have a dealine of 31st March 2010 – but a good idea is a good idea!

For more information, visit the webpage.

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