New Futures for Birmingham`s Historic Buildings

More money for Aston Hall

Posted October 8th, 2008 by Birmingham Conservation Trust with 1 Comment
Aston Hall, image by Martin Hartland

Aston Hall, image by Martin Hartland

A news release from Birmingham City Council tells us that a further £300,000 has been made available for the restoration project at Aston Hall. The council writes:

A  much  loved local landmark is set to receive a £300,000 bonus grant from
Aston Pride NDC, enabling additional works to be carried out as part of the
current  major redevelopment project to improve the Grade I Listed Jacobean
mansion Aston Hall and the surrounding Grade II Listed Park.

Councillor Ray Hassall, Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture & Sport, said:

“I  am  delighted  with  this  additional funding.  Aston Hall and Park are
already  benefiting  from  a  £12  million programme to restore, repair and
create  much  needed facilities  including a new reception, cafe, community
gallery, education centre, and new sports facilities such as an all weather
pitch, three grassed football pitches, a cricket pitch and new pavilion.
“This  additional  grant  of £300,000 will enable us to fulfil our original
ambition  of  fully reinstating CCTV to the West garden, providing improved
access and security to the Pavilion and restoring pathways in the Park.
“Further  funding  of  £131,000 has also been raised from a number of other
sources  for  additional  conservation  and redecoration works inside Aston
Hall and repairs externally.”
The additional works will be contained in the original construction period
of 67 weeks.

One Response to “More money for Aston Hall”

  1. Jon Bounds October 8, 2008

    Love Aston Hall, weird to see them so excited about CCTV.


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